Тема: Miranda IM
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Старый 09.01.2006, 18:22     # 2482
Регистрация: 09.10.2002
Сообщения: 31

exakt Путь к славе только начался
Господа, вопрос... Попапы не стали отображать текста. Бился-бился, с горя решил пожаловаться Вам, может дельное подскажите.

Report generated on: 20:04:47 of 09/01/2006 (day/month/year) 

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP [ver: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2]

Installed RAM: 1280 MBytes

Free disk space on Miranda partition: 16028 MBytes

Miranda IM version: 0.4.3 alpha bui

Build time: 12:27:09 of 17/11/2005 (day/month/year)

Nightly: Yes

Active Plugins:

alwaysonline.dll - AlwayOnline []

atomic.dll - Atomic []

autolocale.dll - AutoLocale []

autorun.dll - Autorun []

changeinfo.dll - Change User Details []

clist_modern.dll - Modern Contact List Layered []

contactsex.dll - ContactsEx []

contactvisibility.dll - Contact Visibility []

crashrpt.dll - Crash Report []

dbeditorpp.dll - Database Editor++ []

fileasmessage.dll - file As Message []

findamsg.dll - Find A Message []

icolib.dll - Icons library manager []

icq.dll - ISee []

icq2.dll - ISee []

icq3.dll - IcqOscarJ Protocol []

ieview.dll - IEView []

import.dll - Import contacts and messages + []

keepstatus.dll - KeepStatus []

linklist.dll - History Linklist []

loadavatars.dll - Avatar service []

mathhistorypp.dll - MathHistory++ []

mbirthday.dll - mBirthday []

mcontacts.dll - mContacts []

menuex.dll - MenuItemEx []

mpopupbtn.dll - mPopUpBtn []

msecure.dll - mSecure []

msg_export.dll - Message export []

mtooltip.dll - mToolTip []

neweventnotify.dll - NewEventNotify []

newstatusnotify.dll - NewStatusNotify []

png2dib.dll - PNG images processor []

popup.dll - PopUp Interoperability [RC2] []

quicksearch.dll - Quick Search []

rss.dll - RSSNews []

seenplugin.dll - Last seen plugin []

smileyadd.dll - SmileyAdd []

spamreturner.dll - SpamReturner []

startupstatus.dll - StartupStatus []

tabsrmm.dll - tabSRMsgW (unicode) []

tipinfo.dll - Tip info []

toptoolbar.dll - TopToolbar []

tweakmiranda.dll - TweakMiranda []

typingnotify.dll - Typing Notify []

uinbackup.dll - UINBackup []

uinfoex.dll - Extended UserInfo []

versioninfo.dll - Version Informations []

wassup.dll - Wassup []

weather.dll - Weather Protocol []

webpager.dll - WebPager []

whoisreadingmystatusmsg.dll - WhoIsReadingMyStatusMsgNotify []

yamn.dll - Yet Another Mail Notifier []

Inactive Plugins:

clist_classic.dll - Classic contact list []

clist_meta_mw.dll - MetaMultiWin Contact List []

dbx_3x.dll - Miranda database - with AutoBackups []

srmm.dll - Send/Receive Messages []
exakt вне форума