Новая версия
Miranda Scripting Plugin (mBot)
Правда довольно интересная
без документации... например
- quite a few new functions;
- script managment functions;
- new thread resource manager;
- no more 'you must not call php...' message;
- multidimensional, mixed, associative arrays support in mt_set/get var;
- array indexes are no longer broken (when using $keep_idx option for mt_setvar($name,$val,$create,$keep_idx));
- console window fixed;
- many minor changes;
- new constant MBOT_TIMESTAMP;
- IRC support;
- possibility of adding root menu items;
- possibility of calling php services from php;
- standard input dialog is now centered by default;
- mb_SelfSetInfo($desc); //sets script description, must NOT be used before mb_SelfRegister!
- new event MB_EVENT_CONFIG mbe_config(){}; a functon called from the mbot's config page;
- etc;