Просмотр полной версии : Обновленные плагины для Miranda IM

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22.05.2005, 14:33
В данной теме постим ТОЛЬКО новости об обновлении или появлении новых плагинов, локализаций, версий миранды. В обязательном порядке постим ChangeLog с предыдущей версии (если таковой имеется).

Все вопросы о Миранде постим только ЗДЕСЬ (http://www.imho.ws/showthread.php?t=26378&goto=lastpost)
Информация о сборках в общей теме по сборкам или в теме конкретной сборки (при её наличии).

22.05.2005, 17:28
Новая версия Miranda Scripting Plugin (mBot)
Правда довольно интересная :) без документации... например

- quite a few new functions;
- script managment functions;
- new thread resource manager;
- no more 'you must not call php...' message;
- multidimensional, mixed, associative arrays support in mt_set/get var;
- array indexes are no longer broken (when using $keep_idx option for mt_setvar($name,$val,$create,$keep_idx));
- console window fixed;
- many minor changes;
- new constant MBOT_TIMESTAMP;
- IRC support;
- possibility of adding root menu items;
- possibility of calling php services from php;
- standard input dialog is now centered by default;
- mb_SelfSetInfo($desc); //sets script description, must NOT be used before mb_SelfRegister!
- new event MB_EVENT_CONFIG mbe_config(){}; a functon called from the mbot's config page;
- etc;

22.05.2005, 19:04
mBot b (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1584)
- I uploaded wrong file before :(( shame on me...
- Msg box when no configuration available

23.05.2005, 00:05
Опять обновился mToolTip (http://miranda.kom.pl/dev/bankrut/count.php?loc=files/mToolTip.zip&id=mToolTip.zip), номер версии остался тот же, но и изменение присутствует:
- added support for text coloring (<c=#rrggbb>text</c>)

mBot ака MSP временно не доступен для скачивания с офсайта миранды.

23.05.2005, 09:16
И снова новый тестовый билд Tab_SRMM Pre7 (http://www.miranda.or.at/tabsrmm/tabsrmm-95pre7.zip) к вашим услугам!!! :yees:

Ченджлог :contract:

* double click works again for closing tabs (even with button tabs)
! bugfix: redraw errors when restoring a maximized container
+ added a help window to the template editor describing all the variables and modifiers.
* 2nd try to fix Ctrl-W and Ctrl-F4 (Win 9x only)
+ added option to force some extra redraws (options -> tabs and layout -> Force more aggressive window updates). If enabled, it will force additional re-draws.
* optimized visual styles rendering on the tab control. Don't draw unneeded stuff.

23.05.2005, 15:38
Профиксенная версия Miranda Scripting Plugin (mBot) (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1584)

Ченджлог :contract:

- IRC modules listed properly
- no more errors on printing variables

26.05.2005, 21:08
Много-много обновлений!

mToolTip (http://miranda.kom.pl/dev/bankrut/count.php?loc=files/mToolTip.zip&id=mToolTip.zip)
По традиции версия осталась прежней, добавлено:
- fixed problem with PNGImg.dll crashing with unknown image files

IEView (http://download.berlios.de/mgoodies/ieview1033.zip)
+ support for MathModule (requires MathModule.dll v0.3.1.5 or later)
+ support for Macromedia Flash (.swf) files in smileys and [img] BBCode
+ closing messaging window with ESC key
* proper handling of "unevenly" aligned BBCodes
* fixed message grouping

MathModuleTab (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1994)
- native ieView-support! since ieview version
- fixed 'Memory-Problem in MathModule'-error (occoured with ieviewMath)
- better transparency in ieviewMath
- better protection against memory leaks

TopToolBar (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=466)
26-05-2005 v0.6.0.12
-Fixed show online users button.

27.05.2005, 01:28
ISee dev build (23:54:42 26.05.2005) (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)
do not use DBGetContactSetting any more (thanx George Hazan for hint)
[+] ability to register new UIN!
revamp first-run dialog a little bit
[-] fixed crash during login with new (empty) profile (original bug)
[+] added Idle API support. also login with idle is supported (going to Away or N/A)
added more error info to all families (thanx Angeli-ka for inspiration)
[-] fixed bug with uploading contacts from "manage server's list"
improved "manage server's list" - more contacts per packet & etc
improved server's side list processing speed
[+] implemented internal cache. rewrite everything using it
[-] added 'Get Caps' button to ICQ tab in user info. now it you can refresh caps & client version
[+] added a lot of manage modes for "manage server's list"
removed 'Add extra contacts from the server's list to my list'. now always ON
[-] fixed wierd bug with userinfo update during login that causes disconnect
improved adding contacts from find/add contacts window (use found nick)
[-] crash during migrating to new server
lot of bugfixes. lot of code rewrites. Huh
Добавлена возможность автоматической регистрации уина! (для этого в настройках, там где вводится уин должно быть пусто)
Проблема с инвизиблами не решена!

27.05.2005, 21:27
Как-то незаметно дней 10 назад обновился PopUpPlus до версии
-[bbcode] support extended. ([b][i][u])

-added tag:
where {color} can be from list:
or can be in hex value (#rrggbb - #00ff00 for example)

-added [img] tag support (which using in IE View / IE View Plus):
[img]http://img131.echo.cx/img131/5265/popuppics5gh.png[ /img]

-IconLib support (a bit messy due some uncomplete work with non 16x16 icons) - you can change clock digits

-some minor bugfixes (with transparency option too)
Качать обычную и Unicode версии отсюдова (http://faith.nichegotut.net/plugins/PopUpPlus/).

28.05.2005, 13:16
ISee dev build (00:07:51 30.05.2005) (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)
do not use DBGetContactSetting any more (thanx George Hazan for hint)

[+] ability to register new UIN!
revamp first-run dialog a little bit
[-] fixed crash during login with new (empty) profile (original bug)
[+] added Idle API support. also login with idle is supported (going to Away or N/A)
added more error info to all families (thanx Angeli-ka for inspiration)
[-] fixed bug with uploading contacts from "manage server's list"
improved "manage server's list" - more contacts per packet & etc
improved server's side list processing speed
[+] implemented internal cache. rewrite everything using it
[-] added 'Get Caps' button to ICQ tab in user info. now it you can refresh caps & client version
[+] added a lot of manage modes for "manage server's list"
removed 'Add extra contacts from the server's list to my list'. now always ON
[-] fixed wierd bug with userinfo update during login that causes disconnect
improved adding contacts from find/add contacts window (use found nick)
[-] crash during migrating to new server
lot of bugfixes. lot of code rewrites. Huh

[-] crash in changeinfo. also possibly in other places
[-] uin was not shown in 'enter password' dialog
do not send unicode to Trillians below v3 (fixed)
[-] do not send too long away msg replies (it leads to disconnect). and any other data also :)
do not request info on every userinfo window open in less than 24h. (MIM
v4.0.1R needed)
[-] unability to set default privacy status if it was not set during load
[+] added privacy status - "Allow only Contact and Visible lists users to see you" (test it!)
small changes, bugfixes & probably something else i forgot about right after it was complete

[-] remade some changes.

[-] prevent offline msgs from being behind last event if clock is behind last event too
rename new privacy status to "As previous except Invisible list users"
added "Passive Status Discovery" option. if disabled - prevents Hidden statuses & etc
"Active Status Discovery" is now off by default again. (new DB key)

[-] fixed regression with some events (auth & etc) introduced in 29 may builds

02.06.2005, 11:42
Любителям Single Mode диалогов в ICQ клиентах... В миранде этот сингл моде возродился !!! Недавно JdGordon'a так вот не по-детски с чего-то переплющило, что он взял да и написал сей плаг!

Качаем отсюда: _http://forums.miranda-im.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=3

Скриншот! http://members.optusnet.com.au/jdgordy/mim/singlesrmm.jpg

З.Ы. Если кто не в курсе или подзабыл... JdGordon - создатель плагов DbEditor++ и HistoryEditor так что доверие к нему на высоте! Поддержим Австралийского производителя :biggrin:

03.06.2005, 08:40
ISee dev build (00:24:09 03.06.2005)
Чейнджлог такой же как и у предыдущего билда, за исключением этого:
[-] rewrote status change routines. "status" value for NULL was not updated in some cases
always show buttons in userinfo\ICQ. it can be helpful to find invisible users in some cases

Качаем: =http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll

04.06.2005, 09:17

+ smileys are now properly copied/quoted (patch by Tweety and Vasilich)
+ uin, uinIn and uinOut variables
* respective real protocol's smileys are used for metacontacts
* bugfix: message grouping
* fixed %base% variable encoding

Качаем (http://download.berlios.de/mgoodies/ieview1034.zip)

это НЕстабильный релиз

05.06.2005, 22:46
Новый ISee Dev Build 23:10:53 05.06.2005

[-] some bugs with cache synchronization
code cleanup
[+] new manage modes for upload/deletion of shown/hidden local list contacts

[Добавлено ...]

Линк забыл... исправлюсь:
ISee Dev (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)

05.06.2005, 23:06
Почему-то после фикса бага с инвизами, в последних ISee вообще пропало понятие инвизибл. По идее, после получения сообщения от человека, находящегося в инвизе, его статус должен показываться как invisible, но он почему-то остается в оффлайне.. :(

05.06.2005, 23:15
2 flash666

Вопросы и ответы в главной теме миранды.
Здесь тока инфа об обновлениях...

Ответ на твой вопрос здесь (http://imho.ws/showthread.php?p=885517#post885517)

06.06.2005, 01:25
Обновился ISee(dev build (23:10:53 05.06.2005)):

06.06.2005, 19:40
В Обменник выложил только файл clist_mw, который был выложен в 20-ом билде миранды, сегодня.
• Скачать - ЗДЕСЬ (http://ex.imho.ws/upcent/index.php?action=downloadfile&filename=Clist_mw_06062005_11-24.rar)

09.06.2005, 09:13
Обновился Modern Contact List
Some other Loading fix (objects tree was not updated after loading)

здесь (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2103)

инфа (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2103)

10.06.2005, 11:11

- added default colours (first custom colour) to colour pickers
- added 'PointSize' db format (works for clist_nicer)
- will recognise different clists and use the correct db storage format, hopefully (detects them by plugin dll name)
Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2065)

Miranda database - with AutoBackups

- added 'on exit command' for advanced users: add the db setting 'settings->db3x->ExitCommand' (string) using e.g. dbeditor++, and optionally 'ExitCommandParams' and 'ExitCommandDir', and the command will be run by calling 'ShellExecute' as the last thing the database module does (after having closed the handle on the database file)

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2004)


- a metacontact will now assume the same 'IdleTS' (idle timestamp) when it's set for any subcontact

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1595)

13.06.2005, 23:22
ISee dev build (22:11:14 13.06.2005) (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)
[-] auto detect & decode utf-8 in auth replies
[+] added 'Status Scan Complete' sound
put capablities in order. added Xstatus caps
more code cleanup. (status checking & userinfo update)
changed offline msgs timestaming again
[-] auto infoupdate now really works
[-] workaround for crash on opening userinfo on some machines
[-] workaround for msg sending to kopete and some other clients. (does it break anything?)
[+] ability to check your presence in contact's server-side ignore list from userinfo\ICQ tab (it doesnt work for offline contacts. and it is not stealth!) Greeting to AUR

14.06.2005, 21:52
ISee dev build 21:41:08 14.06.2005

[-] filetransfer was broken in previous build. also crashing Miranda sometimes

ISee dev build (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)

15.06.2005, 19:25
Modern Contact List 15-06-05
[!] Small issue with new TopToolBar and thisrd party skining plugins

здесь (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2103)

15.06.2005, 23:50

- layout change, to look more like icolib (thx Faith Healer)
- bugfix: sometimes old font face persisted (thx bethoven)

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2065)

16.06.2005, 13:55

- small change: forgot to translate 'Background' when drawing options page font list

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2065)


% Fixed Showing Notepad by conext menu
+ Notepad Reminder (now if in notepad some text, when you open message window you'll
see blinking icon in contact list and tray)(will blink 10sec)
+ Transparent container windows
% Fixed transparency (no need to be "fade" enabled, only transparency value)
+ Optional for every user sending of Typing Notifycation
+ Individual seting moved to separate window
% Fixed crash with closed window,but still opened smilies...

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1497)

16.06.2005, 23:08
Modern Contact List

[+] 16bpp screen depth full support (now works correctly after some fullscreen application, and transparensy on 16bpp etc.
[!] Painting routines continue to fix (Transparent .png, clipping, etc)
[!] New checkings were added to avoid crashes (in oprions screen)

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2103)

17.06.2005, 19:29
Modern Contact List

[!] fixed: 'if i set a jpeg image for Contacts, it doesn't appear at all if the transparency is less than 255 and the image is stretched both directions.'
[!] Fixed Move offline contact to bottom behaviour
[+] toptoolbar included

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2103)

21.06.2005, 23:05
Modern Contact List

[!] Subcontacts visibility states colors.
[!] Some memory leaks (thanks to ghazan)

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2103)

22.06.2005, 00:10
FontService (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2065)
- bugfix: defaults not working until 'reset' is pressed

22.06.2005, 07:48
ISee dev build (00:37:33 22.06.2005) (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)
Ченджлог за последние два дня:
speedup capability decoder. and now also decode XStatuses. (look in userinfo)
[-] fixed invisible status bug when no contacts were in visibile list and server side list was disabled
[-] fixed 'reupload not authed contacts'. seems like it was due to changes on servers
do not load nicks as UINs from server and also delete local custom nicks if they are stored as UINs

22.06.2005, 11:10

- more bugfixes with defaults (thx Ghost)

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2065)


- bugfix: crash on copying history when db event >8kb
- bugfix: history remove exiting too early

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1595)

22.06.2005, 11:30
MirandaFS - очень интересный плагин, объединяющий Миранду и Тотал :yees:
Плагин позволяет просматривать профили Miranda IM как файловую систему в ТоталКоммандере.
Вы можете работать сразу с несколькими профилями (и даже с используемыми в данный момент, при условии использоватия прокси-плагина к Миранде), просматривать и сохранять истории разговоров, удалять отдельные сообщения и целые контакты, копировать и переносить контакты со всей историей и настройками между профилями, просматривать статистику информацию о контактах и профилях, осуществлять сжатие (дефрагментацию) файлов профилей.
Для начала работы с профилем (*.dat) перетащите (или скопируйте) его на панель плагина.
Используйте на свой риск, не забывайте делать резервные копии профилей.
Сайт разработчика:

Для тех, у кого проблемы с настройкой/работой плагина:

23.06.2005, 10:39
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.4.7 теперь свежие версии этого плага вроде так будут называться. Зачем переименовывают :confused:
Fixed numerous crashes


25.06.2005, 00:24
Подскажите как называется плагин, позволяющий смотреть обновления миранды и модулей прямо из миранды? А то когда версия 0.3 была я его поставил, а после обновления до 0.4 снёс все плагины, т.к. глючили :(

25.06.2005, 01:13

- fixed user selected properties (colours) that were not applied
- rewrote about property sheet page and added oppertunity to change all details
- added option to make protocol based contact information readonly

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1971)

25.06.2005, 01:56
Подскажите как называется плагин, позволяющий смотреть обновления миранды и модулей прямо из миранды? А то когда версия 0.3 была я его поставил, а после обновления до 0.4 снёс все плагины, т.к. глючили :(
устное замечание, читай правила темы, твой пост сюда http://www.imho.ws/showthread.php?t=26378&goto=lastpost

26.06.2005, 16:09

-Supporting for miranda buton class
-Supporting for icolib(use with miranda buton class)
-Moved background options to Customize

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=466)

27.06.2005, 11:19
YAMN tweety 0.01 - доработанный YAMN
I wanted some feature in YAMN and decided to improve it.

+ icolib support.
+ keyboard flash support (just 10 sec) (thx TioDuke) needs Keyboard Notify Ext.
+ list of email can be sorted.
* left click on popup shows email list.
* better toptoolbar support.
Info: =http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2165
Download: =http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2165

Версия [24.06.2005]
- Исправлен баг с кавычками в именах контактов
- Добвалена возможность смены языка интерфейса
- Диалоги реагируют на нажатия кнопок на клавиатуре (Esc, Enter)
- Мелкие фиксы

27.06.2005, 15:24
IEView Unstable Release (http://download.berlios.de/mgoodies/ieview1035.zip)
+ new templates: fileIn, fileOut, hFileIn, hFileOut, URLIn, URLOut, hURLIn, hURLOut
+ new variables: %statusMsg%, %nickIn%, %fileDesc%
+ escaped variables: %\name% %\text% etc.
* midnight-split message grouping
* improved Scriver compatibility
* bugfixes: swf support, memory leaks

28.06.2005, 04:44
Ура, он таки доделал!



Перед установкой:

- Забекапить старые Tabsrmm*.dll и SmileyAdd.dll
- Сохранить тему(в контейнере меню Лог - Экспорт настроек лога)

После установки:

- Проверить все настройки
- Импортировать тему
- Проверить настройки шрифтов


Well, there is NO pre8. I decided to release it as .95, because I think that it's stable enough to do so. There are certainly still some bugs, and that's what the next few releases will focus on.

A few "highlights":

The info panel, showing various user informations, including the buddys avatar at the top of the message window. The panel can be resized with a splitter and this splitter follows the same rules as the message window splitter (global, private, saving policy). The info panel is a "per container" setting, but it is possible to override it per contact, if you need. There is also a "quick toggle" hotkey (Alt-I) to switch the info panel on / off qickly. However, this is temporarily and is not saved. To configure the info panel permanently, use the container options dialog OR the info panel menu, which is located right of the toolbar button with the status icon on it (a simple dropdown arrow).

Info panel and avatars: When the info panel is ON, the top avatar field shows the buddys avatar and the lower avatar field shows your own avatar (if it is set). You can set your own avatar for the message window by using the "load a local picture" menu entry. For MSN contacts, this will also set your MSN avatar. For ICQ and yahoo, that's not going to work, because these protocols do not (yet?) allow to set the avatar from an external plugin. So tabSRMMs avatar is private to the message window. Since there is still no unified avatar api, that also doesn't work in the opposite direction.

The info panel may show additional information like idle time, contacts local time (if a timezone has been set) and the extended status icon in front of the nickname (ICQJ/ISee only - recent builds needed). Tooltips were added: When you hover the status field, it will try to retrieve the status message. If you hover the nick field with an extended status icon present, it will explain the extended status in plain text. The little checkbox left of the avatar can be used to quickly toggle the status message tooltip.

Timezone support - ICQ provides a "local timezone" which can be set for any contact. If present, tabsrmm shows the local time of the contact in the info panel and you can switch the message log to show the buddys messages with his local timestamp instead of your own time.

For NON-ICQ contacts, you can use the tabSRMM user preferences (from the contacts context menu) to set a timezone from GMT-12 to GMT+12 so the "use contacts local time" feature can now work not only with ICQ contacts.

Idle support added. Idle contacts have their icons now dimmed, like on the contact list. That feature is optional ("Tabs and layout" option page). Also, idle time is shown in the info panel, if available.

Some notes, however.

Before upgrading:

backup your current tabsrmm DLL

backup your current smileyadd DLL

save your current theme settings (Message Log menu -> Export Message Log Settings)

After upgrading:

Review all the options (some internal stuff has changed)

Review container options for each of your containers. It's now possible to have global container options and/or global container size/position.

Review font settings, especially if you don't use font service plugin.

I consider this release "feature complete" now. Compared to .95pre7, there is a lot of new stuff, most importatnly, the info panel and dual avatar support, compared to .94, the changes are comprehensive.

The "roadmap".

.95 will be followed by a few bugfix releases. Minor enhancements of existing features may also happen, but nothing new. Once all major bugs are gone, there will be a 1.0.

The archive contains a new smileyadd.DLL which is based on the fixed version by bokra (which was posted to the file listing a few days ago). I added two more minor changes (tabSRMM related only)

* when activating the smiley selection window, a transparent container will not switch to "inactive" transparency setting anymore.

* closing the smiley selection window will *always* return focus to the msg input area. Previously, it did only after selecting a smiley, now it also does when you close the window by hitting ESC or just clicking somewhere else.


Качаем (http://tabsrmm.sf.net/alpha/tabsrmm-95test.zip)

28.06.2005, 06:20
<ой, не туда запостил>

28.06.2005, 06:39

Здесь только анонсы... Ответ на твой вопрос здесь (http://www.imho.ws/showthread.php?p=902489#post902489)

World Time (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1504)

- fixed clist_modern skinning support

Ping Plugin (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1481)

- added clist_modern skinning support

ShellFileSend (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=710)

Позволяет отсылать фалы серез меню "Отправить" в проводнике

Fix Font size problem under Miranda 0.4+

28.06.2005, 16:00

- added support for underline and strikeout fonts

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2065)

29.06.2005, 19:13
FontService (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2065)
- changed 'effects' (i.e. strikeout and underline) to default to disabled but devs can enable using a flag during font registration
- fixed lots of clist size issues (but breaks clist_modern atm)

Full Changelog (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewlog&id=2065)

Cheshirski Kot
01.07.2005, 09:00
Обновился Keyboard Notify Ext.

[+] New 'notify when' option: while defined programs are running (just like gamerstatus)
[+] Extended the API to add two new services to disable and re-enable keyboards notifications (for use by bosskey plugin).

Download (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2071)

01.07.2005, 11:58
Список изменений неизвестен :(

Merlin Cori
01.07.2005, 17:41

Okay, new build is coming up :)


Skins are not included in this release, but .94 build is still there :)


- Unicode versions for Add/Modify popup services
- Fixed render on Win 9x/Me (however some bugs are still there...)
- Fixed memory leaks in skin parser
- Some minor bugs fixed


01.07.2005, 21:16
RSSNews beta1 (30/06/2005) (http://www.volumna.com.br/pessoal/angelo/rss.zip)
- Compatibility with Unicode messaging plugins.

03.07.2005, 13:56
ICQ/ISee dev build (08:52:54 03.07.2005)

[-] bug in changeinfo with translated listbox values
[-] hangup during login with no contacts in list
[-] fixed &RQ version detection
limit rate for using ignore check and other tools there

Скачать (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)

Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.4.8

Fixed transparency with TabSRMM
Fixed losing focus after entering smiley in SRMM
Fixed memory leak in smiley dialog
GCC compatibilty updates

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2152)

World Time

- minor window painting fix

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1504)

04.07.2005, 19:56
Многоуважаемый Bio продолжает радовать нас своими доработками стандартных плагинов.


Changes since version: (05.06.2005)

[+] import metacontact information (patch by sje)
some changes to improve stability (31.01.2005)

[+] new custom import filter (by msg types, date, new contacts & etc)
[+] invert selection by click on 'Incoming', 'Outgoing' & etc
import system history only for enabled protocols
'last import date' field was removed :) (22.01.2005)

[+] duplicate event checking speedup. more than 100 times faster for big DBs!
[+] statistic for outdated events
[-] system history was not imported
'last import date' is now date of last import :) (20.01.2005)

[+] ability to import miranda history since the certain date
=http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/archive/import.zip :yees:

05.07.2005, 13:53

+ ADDED AVATAR SUPPORT - engine code by KAS
+ Added avatar position saving
% Workaround for urls containing ","
% Correct diagnostic, when long message send failed.
+ Added new sound when message sending failed
+ Now can take only selected text from notepad
% Fix(?) for docking windows (w/o Ctrl)
% Some other Fixes...

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1497)

07.07.2005, 00:13
Traffic counter v0.0.3.8
v0.0.3.8 (06-07-2005)
- Добавлено: поддержка clist_modern (спасибо IG Vasilich)
- Добавлено: опция - в каком формате выводит трафик (байты, килобайты, мегабайты, динамически)
- Добавлено: возможность указать формат для даты последнего сброса трафика (см. TrafficCounter_DateFormat.txt)
- Добавлено: дополнительные мелкие настройки в expert options
- Добавлено: возможность выбора шрифта (нужен плагин FontService)
- Исправлены мелки ошибки
- Удалено: файл InstallScript.xml
- Обновлен NetLib
- Обновлен language pack
- Обновлен перевод на русский язык

11.07.2005, 12:58

- bugfix: gdi object leak
- bugfix: string buffer overrun

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2065)

13.07.2005, 08:50
Miranda database - with AutoBackups
- cvs sync (13/7/05)
Скачать - http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2004 [16.36 KBytes]

13.07.2005, 09:44
- added vCard support to import and export your contact's details (udci). Only udci are exported!
- added a service "UserInfo/LocalTime" to get contact's localtime
- fixed time expression in InfoTab (now is aware of daylightsaving time or also called summer time)
- added a service to display a little messagebox. looks a bit nicer than windows' messagebox
- added "DBGetContactDetails" to provide a standard routine to access contact details (udci & pbci) for other plugin developers
Btw.: I think the UserInfo module and Protocol module (ICQ, MSN, ...) to be the only modules to save contact details in
using at least the standard valuenames to make compatibility between plugins easier.
- wrote a mToolTip.ini to provide access to udci for mToolTip plugin
- fixed the problem with saving email and phone numbers
- totally rewrote handling of reading values from and writing to database (hopefully speeds up dialog creation)
- changed birthday control to make it look nicer
- listview of about propertysheetpage now resizes vertically if itemstring is too large (sorry, forgot it)
- published source, as some of you desire it
http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1971 - 74.61KBytes

CList Nicer+
! don't draw additional icons in "embedded" mode (e.g. if the clist control is being used in a dialog box like typing notify options.
! only show the toolbar config menu when right clicking over the toolbar.
! some visual glitches fixed when autosizing is on.
! possible crash when sorting flashing contacts on top.
http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2189 - 118.55KBytes

14.07.2005, 08:31
Latest Change(s):
Fix: the custom timeout was incorrectly saved in the db, sorry.
• Скачать - http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=207 [33.16 KBytes]

15.07.2005, 08:57
RSSNews Change(s):
- Compatibility with unicode messaging plugins.
• Скачать - http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=409 [58.78 KBytes]

Cheshirski Kot
15.07.2005, 15:35
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.4.9

Latest Change(s)
Fixed handling of SRMM interface (interface changed between Miranda 3.3.1 and 4.0)
Bottom smiley button option is not available any more for Miranda later then 3.3.1
Smiley packs which specified but don't exist now give error messages (at power up too)
Non IM protocols (i.e. weather, time, etc.) are ignored now
Fixed Option dialog translation
Fixed Option dialog handling of missing Smiley Packs
Fixed Option dialog Cancel/Apply functions
Option dialog accepts relative paths now (if you type them in)
Changing settings in Option dialog will affect all open windows on Apply
Fixed numerous resource leaks
A lot of general code robustness and perfomance updates
Removed Windows API calls that don't exist on Win95
MS VC++ 6 portability updates (dsp file provided)
Fixed older TabSrmm support

Extensive testing have been performed on plugin for this release.
Plugin have been tested to work with Windows XP, 2000, 95, Miranda 4.0.1 and 3.3.1
ГРУЗИМ! (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)
а вес всего этого удовольствия - цельных 126.74KBytes

15.07.2005, 21:30
Smileyadd обновляется не по дням, а по часам! :biggrin:
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.4.10

Fixed handling of SRMM interface (interface changed between Miranda 3.3.1 and 4.0)
Bottom smiley button option is not available any more for Miranda later then 3.3.1
Smiley packs which specified but don't exist now give error messages (at power up too)
Non IM protocols (i.e. weather, time, etc.) are ignored now
Fixed Option dialog translation
Fixed Option dialog handling of missing Smiley Packs
Fixed Option dialog Cancel/Apply functions
Option dialog accepts relative paths now (if you type them in)
Changing settings in Option dialog will affect all open windows on Apply
Fixed numerous resource leaks
A lot of general code robustness and perfomance updates
Removed Windows API calls that don't exist on Win95
MS VC++ 6 portability updates (dsp file provided)
Fixed older TabSrmm support

Extensive testing have been performed on plugin for this release.
Plugin have been tested to work with Windows XP, 2000, 95, Miranda 4.0.1 and 3.3.1

правда что-то я не заметил отличий в ченжлогах между 1.4.9 и 1.4.10
Качаем (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2152)

16.07.2005, 15:16
KeepStatus - popups now show the icon of the first protocol that is about to be reconnected
- added popup option to show additional info in popup=http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2206

StartupStatus - Added: cancel if status is set before StartupStatus does
- Added: set Clist size and location on startup
- Added: status menu entry for status profiles
- Added: hot keys for status profiles
- Fixed: DEP support=http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2207

16.07.2005, 23:00
Smileyadd за последний час успел обновиться 2 раза- сначала до версии 1.4.11, а чуть позже до версии 1.4.11b (забыли добавить новый исходник :)).
Ченжлог сразу от двух версий
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.4.11b

Fixed latest SRMM support regression
Improved ralative path support
Smiley packs disabled in the Option dialog no longer loaded
Provided correct source code

Качаем (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

17.07.2005, 10:04
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.4.12

Implemented much more robust algorithm for detecting
SRMM 2.x interface supporting plugins versa
SRMM 1.x interface supporting plugins

This release have been tested to work with:
SRMM and (2.x and 1.x)
TabSRMM and (built-in support and 1.x)
SRAMM (1.x)
SRMM Mod (1.x)
Scriver (built-in support)
Single Mode SRMM 0.1 have built-in text-only SmileyAdd support and it's working as such

This will fix "smiley button does not show" problems.

Качаем (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

18.07.2005, 09:54
tabsrmm-96test.zip (http://tabsrmm.sourceforge.net/alpha/tabsrmm-96test.zip)
!null pointer check when retrieving status message. Fixes crash when retrieving status messages.
!fixed window icon problem (autoswitch related)
*added range checks for the panel splitter (don't save/load "invalid" values)
!fixed icon on the "visibility indicator" in the info panel (only, when using the manual quick toggle mode).
!fixed "sticky" unread icon (didn't always go away when container got the focus.
!corrected some typos
!minor info panel fixes (toolbar menu)
*allow close tab within error state (visible error controls), Unsent messages which returned an error are canceled. Messages "in progress" may still be sent, but the ACK will then go to nowhere after the msg window has been closed.
*version bump (
*added %x variable for the titlebar to show the extended status mode description.
The following variables are now available:
%n - Nickname
%s - Status mode description
%c - container name
%u - UIN
%p - protocol
%x - extended status mode description (icq only)
+added ability to use underlined fonts in the message window when configured with the font service plugin.
+the user notes field now follows the message input area configuration more closely.
!some container settings didn't "stick" when set from the system menu or title bar (stay on top, hidden titlebar)
+added support for unicode popups (tabsrmm_unicode only, obviously). It will automatically detect a unicode-enabled popup.dll and use it.
*removed the clock icon from the contacts local time display. It is replaced by clock symbols from the Wingdings font.
+added ability to configure several aspects of the info panel. Fonts and colors for various fields can now be changed. Also, you can set up the background color for the fields and their frame style.
Requires the font service plugin.
Frame style can be set on the "Tabs and layout" option page.
!fixed Alt-GR (right alt) problem with some hotkeys.
+added hotkeys: it is now possible to cycle tabs using the multimedia keys:
"Browser backward" switches to the previous tabs
"Browser forward" switches to the next tab.
This should work with all properly configured multimedia keyboards and most mice featuring extended button mapping (e.g. it works with the Logitech MX 510)
If it doesn't work for you, then your system is not configured properly.
NOTE: requires Windows 2000 or later.
*don't send typing notifications while opening a message window with a "saved" message.
*info panel can now retrieve and show custom extended status names and extended status messages (very recent build of ICQJ required). If no custom status name is available, the "built in" will be used, depending on the extended status code.
!ignore icon pack version info check was, well, ignored... :)
!fixed %E variable (did sometimes convert date/time to empty strings).

CList Nicer+ (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2189)
* better client icon update
! evemt area only groups message events
+ timer based clist sorting added. This saves A LOT of sorting, especially while
connecting multiple protocols and filling the contact list. It can reduce the
number of sorting runs by a factor of 10. The disadvantage are very small delays in the range of 100 - 150 milliseconds. In most cases, you won't notice it.
The timer based sorting can be disabled by creating a DWORD value in the CLC module. Name it "SortTimer" and set its value to 0.
Alternatively, you can set the timer value in milliseconds, using the same db
setting. Default is 150 ms and you can set it to any value between 50 and 500.
Smaller and larger values will be ignored as they don't make sense.
NOTE: restart required after changing the db setting.
+ added right margin indent value. Affects text, right-aligned icons only, but not the background (they already have individual margins for each item type).
Options->Contact List->List. Basically, it prevents the client or extended status icon(s) to "touch" the right window border (which may look ugly).
+ added "full row selection". Simple, you don't HAVE to click on the contacts text any longer in order to select it. This conflicts with the "easy move" feature, unless you have some free space in your contact list. To disable full row select hold the SHIFT key while using the mouse, so you can still "easy drag" the contact list window around.
You can enable/disable full row select under Options->Contact List->List
Note: full row selection also impacts hottracking of items.
+ added hottracking with changing background color. Two new color fields are on the Background+ page which allow you to set the (background) colors for hottracked items. If a gradient has been set for an item type, hottracking uses both colors to build the new gradient, otherwise, only the first color is active.
! fixed a few redrawing/layout problems with the new window elements.
! fixed autosize-related focus stealing (ugly)
+ added a new skin item "First group on list" - allows to draw the first group header with a different skin.

Cheshirski Kot
18.07.2005, 10:31
MBot FileServer by ChRIstofeR
The idea is simple, to use Miranda/MBot as a fileserver. It allows contacts you specify to have access to a certain folder in your computer and its subfolders. The allowed contact may perform three basic operationss: change the current folder, list the files/folders in the current folder and begin filetransfer of specified file.
сЦылка на страничкку загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1740)

IRC Colored HTML Log ChRIstofeR
на страничку закачки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2118)

19.07.2005, 08:34
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.4.13Latest Change(s):
- Better handling of broken msl files (Button S on message dialog instead of icon)
- Attempt to fix no File Open dialog on Win9x.
- Error messages are now using baloon notification, when it works
- Force focus to entry dialog after selecting smiley
- Code cleanup
• Скачать - http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2152 [127.56 KBytes]

20.07.2005, 00:07
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.4.14

Fixed File Open Dialog for empty or broken file names

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

21.07.2005, 10:14
ISee dev build (01:40:47 21.07.2005)


[!] reported plugin version number is now instead of

auto info update now refresh full info

now server side list is always reloaded on first login

[+] now server list manager can be opened from Privacy menu

[-] do not hide offline contacts in server list manager (workaround for clist_modern)

change contact status after writing all other info in DB

[+] ability to set global and per contact codepage for plain msgs sending & recieving ((WORD)CodePage)

[-] improper handling of channel 5 (ping) packets (thanx Joe)

Качаем тут (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)

21.07.2005, 14:40
Spam Filter v2 (Updated: 21/07/2005 05:11:07)

Version - Bug-Fix: "Allowed spam per User" could not be changed (reported by ATom)
- Bug-Fix: problems with RTL support (:text)
-> I thought RTL support would only work on Arabic/Hebrew versions of windows, so I enabled it..
In fact it works on most Win2000/XP versions as I found out
(not really good documented :-/... they only speak of "RTL enabled windows versions")
- Bug-Fix: minor memory leak with the message type icons
- Bug-Fix: layout confusion with Spam Logging group (reported by Romx)
- Bug-Fix: auth requests were not handled correctly when setting a spammer manually
- Bug-Fix: "Allowed bad phrases until spam" was ignored (ATom)
-> caused just by a small typo in the code :-/
- Bug-Fix: line breaks and spaces were not cleared correctly in
incoming messages (silly typo in code :-/)
-> this fixes the following:
* normal words as security code were not recognized as right answers (reported by Steffen Kaufmann)
* sometimes the reply for a good answer was not sent (reported by ATom)
- Bug-Fix: using mir_snprintf to avoid string buffer overruns
- Bug-Fix: first message from NotOnList user was from "(Unknown contact)"
- Bug-Fix: PreSpammers were not unique, now they are saved as "Proto|Address"
- Modified: Removed SFFreeMemory, replaced with miranda_sys_free (m_spamfilter.h)
- Modified: pszSection in MESSAGETYPEDESC can now really be NULL (m_spamfilter.h updated)
- Modified: AutoIgnore feature now uses real unique user ID
- Added: IcoLib support
- Added: Support for "ColourPicker" to choose Colors of Popups
- Added: Support for Netlib logging (Netlib_Logf) -> spam filter actions on messages are now listed
in the network activity log
- Added: ability to reset the AutoIgnore feature
- Improved: Better looking "Mark as spammer" dialog
- Improved: minor performance improvements, code cleaning, DB settings cleaned up.
- Changed: services for message types (no backward compatibility to, sorry
-> devs, please update "m_spamfilter.h")
-> detecting default settings for checked protocols/events is now possible (might be useful for IRC?)
- Added: New event for protocols to determine if they want to be checked for spam by default:
- Fixed: phone number default definitions (all large numbers were detected as phnone codes)
- Fixed/Extended: translation strings (Translattor see "SpamFilter-Translation.txt")
=> all known bugs should now be fixed :-)
[!!!] I was not able to reproduce the following bugs:
- crashes miranda (reported by kissson): when? why? where? how? ... works for me :-/
- sometimes doesn't send robot reply for unknown users (reported by ATom)
- in confirmation of robot block text line breaks work. But in fact all text is coming word by word in one line (what?)
=> I tried to fix these problems by changing several things in the code,
but I am not sure if I got it.

Качаем тут (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2188)

22.07.2005, 03:51
+ new templates: fileIn, fileOut, hFileIn, hFileOut, URLIn, URLOut, hURLIn, hURLOut
+ new variables: %statusMsg%, %nickIn%, %fileDesc%
+ escaped variables: %\name% %\text% etc.
* midnight-split message grouping
* improved Scriver compatibility
* bugfixes: swf support, memory leaksСтраница на оффсайте Миранды (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1788)


Сразу качаем (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1788)

22.07.2005, 10:08
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.5.0

API change to support TabSRMM and later (per Nightwish request)
(the parent window for smiley selection dialog could be specified now)
Fixed smiley scaling issue with some smiley packs on Miranda Button.

Качаем (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

elishnevsky, Было (http://imho.ws/showpost.php?p=901920&postcount=39)

22.07.2005, 21:33
А вот этого ещё не было :)
IEView (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1788)
* fixed compatibility with TabSRMM
* bugfix: memory leaks

23.07.2005, 03:35
Био просто монстр...

Ещё одно обновление всеми любимого ISee dev build (03:18:28 23.07.2005) (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)

[-] prevent crashes on incorrect timestamps (server list after micq for example)
[+] uIM client detection. also more capabilities are recognized
[+] experimental ability to add yourself to contact list: see status, send msgs & etc :)

Особенно интересна последняя опция ::

[+] experimental ability to add yourself to contact list: see status, send msgs & etc :)

вроде как даже неплохо работает... тьф-тьфу-тьфу...

23.07.2005, 21:07
У TabSRMM сегодня день рождения и в честь этого Найтвиш выпустил новую версию!

Встречайте TabSRMM (http://tabsrmm.sf.net/alpha/tabsrmm-97test.zip)

ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО!!! Обновляем smileyadd (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152) и если используем IE View (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1788)

Что нового ::

Version - 2005/07/23

! extended status tooltip working with all (recent) ICQ.dll builds.

! fixed clock symbol for some special situations.

+ new title format variable: %m -> meta status. Has nothing to do with metacontacts.
How it works: If an extended status is set, it will be used. If not, the normal
protocol status is shown. Also supports custom status mode names using the XStatusName
db setting (supported by ICQJ and ISee).

! typo in the template parser (%m variable)

* removed smiley selection window focus workaround. No longer necessary, because
fixed smileyadd doesn't mess up input focus any more.

+ new shortcut: Ctrl-K -> clear input area

! fixed %D and %E variables

+ updated for smileyadd 1.5.0 (by borkra). Beginning with this release, tabSRMM does
no longer require its own smileyadd plugin and therefore this plugin has been removed
from the archive.

I suggest to update to the most recent smileyadd, available from:


It is strongly recommended to use this version, because it fixes a lot of issues and
has some internal improvements. It is fully compatible with all SRMM-based message
windows and therefore works with SRMM, tabSRMM, scriver and others.

24.07.2005, 14:44
Database Editor ++

- added icon manager support coz you people are annoying... btw huge thanx to Angeli-ka for the icons
- fixed a bug in the find and replace code...
- added a fix to disallow inline setting editing on win98 and winME to stop crashes
- big thanx to Std for pointing out (and fixing) some stupid bugs in the export/import code
- menu should be translatable now
- added a bit more room in the options dialog for tranlsators
- added in bio's code changes which seems to have fixed the popup module crash problem... (hopefully) (THANX BIO)
- the old "KnownModules" module is now used again... any modules in that are added
- still trying to work out how to not save the window size if it was maximised...
- added a "add module to known list" menu item
- modules added in the options page can now have a space in their name (put a \ before the space for it to work)
- fixed the options page a bit
- now asks to overwrite files when you export...
- no more contact proto icons in the contact list
- fixed various translation problems

Качаем (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1459)

24.07.2005, 23:48
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.5.1

Fixed overwrite of "Add Contact to buddy list" button (for not listed contacts)
Fixed "Use One for all" radio buttons problem in Option Dialog

Качаем (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

25.07.2005, 11:20
Miranda database - with AutoBackups

- CVS synch 25/7/05

Качаем (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2004)

Cheshirski Kot
27.07.2005, 09:04
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.5.2
Fixed smiley replace in history
Fixed smiley selection tool somtimes open in strange location
Fixed Option dialog filename problem when you browse for it

станичка для загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

непосредственно загрузка (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2152)

27.07.2005, 10:53
StartupStatus (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2207) - Fixed: crash on exit - Added: cancel if status is set before StartupStatus does
- Added: set Clist size and location on startup
- Added: status menu entry for status profiles
- Added: hot keys for status profiles
- Fixed: DEP support - Added: Set status message for profiles
- Added: Set status message in confirm dialog
- Options moved to 'status' section

Russian Language Pack 4.0.12 (BasiL) (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1997)
* traffic counter
* Clist_Modern

29.07.2005, 21:32

+ Added avatar autosizing
% Fixed "show nicknames in nHistory"
% Fixed set focus to memo (when window docked)
% Fixed Some smilies problems..
+ Added Hot Stuff panel (for use most often typed strings)
% Some fixes...

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1497)

31.07.2005, 09:40
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.5.3

Option Dialog redesigned. It's hopefully more understandable now.
(Thanks to HikoH for lot's of suggestions)
Unfortunatly all translationns will have to change with this release.
Changing Options in option dialog no longer require restart for them to take effect.

At this point I am not aware of any problems with SmileyAdd.
If you encounter some you want to report it together with detailed steps to reproduce it
and software versions (Miranda, plugins, OS, etc.) you are using.

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

03.08.2005, 09:52
Miranda database - with AutoBackups

- added support for Update plugin

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2004)

Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.6.0

API change, hookable event provided to notify plugins with "native"
SmileyAdd support that options have changed, so they could redraw
Fixed smiley selection window display location on multi-monitor systems
Fixed protocol icon display in Option Dialog for protocols which don't
provide "small" icons (i.e MetaContacts)
Increased size of controls in Option Dialog to aid translation
Fixed string in translation file
Fixed changing checkbox "Specify smiley pack ..." would not enable Apply button
Fixed translation of the protocol name could result in smiley not showing
Caution: This fix could result in having to reselect smiley pack for protocol!

At this point I am not aware of any problems with SmileyAdd.
If you encounter some you want to report it together with detailed steps to reproduce it
and software versions (Miranda, plugins, OS, etc.) you are using.

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)


- 'unhide' subcontact when removed from meta, no matter if it was hidden by metacontacts or some other plugin (again - stuffed it up last time)

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1595)

Cheshirski Kot
04.08.2005, 11:12
настроения расписывать нет, поэтому просто постю, что обновилось на сайте миранды

FDD Notify
This plugin for Miranda-IM notifies of specified events (as incoming messages, incoming files, incoming URLs and other) by flashing the floppy disk drive's led. This effect is achieved by turning on and off the floppy drive's motor, so use it without abusing.
It also implements support for third party plugins, allowing them to use its notifying capabilities.
Under Windows NT based OSs you will need porttalk.sys driver to make it work. Windows 95/98/ME don't require this file.
Please, read carefully the readme file before installing it.

- Added Support for Update plugin.
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2070)

Keyboard Notify Ext.
This plugin for Miranda-IM notifies of specified events (as incoming messages, incoming files, incoming URLs and other) by flashing the keyboard's leds.
It was developed based on strikyz' and std's versions.
However, this one implements some new features:
- Many options to make it stop flashing
- Several predefined flashing effects
- Third party plugin support
- It may be configured to notify even if the message window is open
- Theme support (custom flashing sequences), to make it easier to exchange custon sequences between Miranda users
- Reminder for pending events
- Trillian-like sequences (displaying the number of pending events)
It does not need any other file to work (no dll and no driver).
It does not support USB keyboards yet.

- Added Support for Update plugin.
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2071)

Description (кусок)
Set one-off, daily, weekly, weekday, monthly and yearly alarms. You can have the alarm pop up a window with a message, play one of three alart sounds or speak, and/or run a program.
Set alarms using the main-menu item, or using the options under events->alarms. The three alert sounds are configurable via miranda's options under events->sounds.
Alarms will be triggered (once) the next time you start miranda, if it was not running at the time(s) of the alarm. This feature can be disabled on a per-alarm basis.
It also contains an API (see m_alarms.h in the source) for other plugins to use - the API allows plugins to set alarms and react to the events which are sent when an alarm is triggered.
Compatible with the 'PopUp' plugin

- bugfix (attempt): hide window on start
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2163)

Automatic updates for miranda plugins. This is a SERVICE plugin - it adds no functionality on it's own. It is also in ALPHA stage development.

- added 'udate on startup only once daily' option
- added 'update daily' option, with suboption 'install without confirmation if idle'
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

04.08.2005, 15:23
DBEditor++ (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/archive/other/dbeditorpp.dll)
Список изменений неизвестен, слегка измененная и откомпиленная другим компилятором версия. Разницу заметил пока только в номере версии, но всё равно интересно. В т.ч. и то, что лежит она у Bio.

04.08.2005, 16:26
В качестве дополнения к посту SergoZD ::

У Био он лежит, так как его Био переписал!
Комментарий био по поводу ченджлога (слегка подредактировано)::

Багфиксы. много много
Правильная работа enter при редактировании
Возможность конвертации стринга в другие типы
И куча мемори ликов и других багов связанных с памятью и непроиниченными переменными

© Bio

Так что масхэв совершенно однозначный!
Собственно, думаю, достаточно... ждём других новинок ;)

З.Ы. Линк на пост выше!

04.08.2005, 18:09
Благодаря багрепорту SergoZD переданному мною Био, можем лицезреть обновление данного чуда::

Database Editor ++ Bio Edition


Исправлен экспорт многострочных значений.
Изменён формат файла экспорта {теперь контакты экспортируются по формату: CONTACT: Nick (Proto) }
Испрален краш при омене импорта или экспорта

Качаем тут - по старому адресу (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/archive/other/dbeditorpp.dll)

04.08.2005, 20:03
А вот и updater (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2254)
- fix for process spawning on WinME (thx YMCA)

- cleaned up code (no longer requires static strings, fixes stupid CreateVersionString thing)
- made threadsafe, mostly
- added thread to check for updates, to prevent miranda freezing

05.08.2005, 15:26
А вот и Updater (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2254) [26.33 KBytes]Version
- removed stupid message boxes (can't make them behave - yet)

- create file returns ok when it shouldn't!

- check for existence of old file, so unecessary messages are not displayed
(p.s. sorry for the mass of updates..again)

- crash creating backup folder in external process

- oops again, same prob

- oops; crash due to uninitialized 'backup folder' string

- changed from using bat file to using rundll (if you have DEP installed you must disable protection agains 'run dll as app' for this to work - i'll add the option to use a bat file in later)

05.08.2005, 19:40
CList Nicer+ (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2189)
* hottrack item config moved to the item list. It can now be configured like any other item, except that it inherits the following stats from the underlying item.
* corners
* gradient TYPE (colors can be set)
* margins colors and transparency value can be set for the hottracking item, but shape(corners), margins and gradient type cannot, because they need to be inherited from the item which is currently "hottracked".
! another bugfix with window layout when autosizing is enabled
* changed sorting method. It now uses sorting based on current locale settings, which means it peroperly handles language specific characters like german umlauts. That also fixes wrong sortings with cyrillic nicknames.
+ avatars added. Yes, I don't like avatars on the contact list, but since it is requested so often... really, I need someone who can explain me why avatars are SO important in instant messaging... :)
The options are, as always, in the context menu of the contact list. Avatars can be switched off, they can be ordered to left align (normally, they are just left of the nickname, but after the status icon) and they can have a border.
Avatars follow the row height, so in order to get a reasonable avatar size, you should increase the row height (a value of 28 or more pixels already gives decent quality). They are also drawn with the alpha value of the background item, so they can be partially transparent.
Avatars require the plugin LOADAVATARS.DLL, which is a separate plugin and works as some kind of avatar service in the background.
+ dual row mode added. When the row height allows for more than a single line of text (given the current fonts), a second line is added showing the status mode. Also, some icon position are changed in dual row mode and the visibility icon is moved to the 2nd row so it won't take space from the nickname.
+ some options to tweak the layout added. It is now possible to make the status icons optional, for example.
+ status icons are now optional (enable them via the context menu or use the new "Plus" option page.
+ new option page added (Contact List->Plus). Contains all the new settings for tweaking the layout and other stuff.

06.08.2005, 06:10
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.6.1 :ржать: Fixed Option Dialog for systems with many protocols
Surround smiley with spaces option now make sure that any smiley
detected have spaces on both sidesНа страницу (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2152)

06.08.2005, 17:56
Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.6.2

Fixed URL corruption regression

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

08.08.2005, 00:05
CList Nicer+

* changed API of loadavatars. You need to update both .DLLs not only the
clist_nicer_plus.dll. If you don't, it will crash.
* better quality for "rounded" avatars.
+ option to always align nicknames and/or icons, even if there is NO avatar for
a contact (just leave an empty space then).
* if an extended status mode (ICQ) is set, it will be shown in the second line,
instead of the normal protocol status.
! center group names now also works with the contact count numbers enabled. Also,
draw lines along group names works with centered group names.
+ avatar alignment now supports 3 modes:
* far left (avatar at the left edge of the contact list)
* far right (avatar at the right edge)
* with nickname (avatar just in front of the nickname, but right of the status
+ some fixes to hottracking (works for ignored items). The option "ignore selection
for group names" is now working.

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2189)

08.08.2005, 07:52

- attempt to avoid crash converting incompatible contact

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1595)

08.08.2005, 12:23
Mbot DynDNS Updater (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2259) NEW!!! 08.08.2005
Текущая версия:
Прямой линк на закачку: from Miranda-IM.org (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2259)
Скрипт занимается поддержанием вашего динамического ДНС имени на http://dyndns.org в актуальном состоянии.

Все настройки в Главном меню миранды > mBot > DynDNS Settings

Принудительная проверка в Главном меню миранды > mBot > DynDNS Force Update

Известные баги:

- Нету ;)


- Исправлять найденные баги


Распакуйте в папку миранды.

Вы должны разрешить в файрволе соединения:

Исходящее соединение: Приложение: Miranda Хост: miranda-icq.sourceforge.net Порт: 80(HTTP)
Исходящее соединение: Приложение: Miranda Хост: members.dyndns.org Порт: 3245

После установки должно быть так:

DynDNS.php in <Miranda directory>/mBot/scripts/
DynDNS.php in <Miranda directory>/mBot/scripts/autoload

Ченджлог (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewlog&id=2259)

* Первая версия

09.08.2005, 09:18

- scan only dll files (oops - my xp machine doesn't complain about the others)

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

09.08.2005, 12:48
Skype Protocol (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1570) [67.14 KBytes]Latest Change(s)
* HOTFIX - Double File-Transfer icon removed. Please note that you can't send files via drag & drop, because of the nature of Skype API - Skype wants to open its own "File/Open" dialog, so I cannot supply a path to the file to be sent, therefore I had to add a seperate File-sending function rather than using Miranda's function.

Alarms (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2163) [31.63 KBytes]Latest Change(s)
- don't always show reminder frame on startup fix (again!)

09.08.2005, 14:11
Miranda IM - testing builds watcher 1.00 (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2261) [31.63 KBytes]Description:
Another .ini file from my collection :). This one watches new testing builds

Latest Change(s):
- release

09.08.2005, 17:24
В дополнение к последнем посту •DimON•.
Miranda IM - testing builds watcher 1.00 - ini-файл для плагина webinfo, который во всплывающих окнах оповещает об изменении на веб-страничке. В данном случае будет оповещать о выходе нового тестового билда.

10.08.2005, 08:48
А вот и Updater (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2254) [34.98 KBytes]Version
- bugfix: beta status stuffed after options->apply
- sort options plugin list

- now uses bzip2 xml backend data (much smaller dl)
- does conditional get (stores local copy of data, handles http response code 304)
- bugfix: handling of http response codes

- added option to disable backups

10.08.2005, 11:55

- bugfix: only downloaded xml data every second attempt to update
- will now extract directories in an archive to the miranda root directory

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

Cheshirski Kot
11.08.2005, 07:21
- better looking listviews (thx TioDuke)
на страничку закачки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

11.08.2005, 11:13
MetaContacts Plugin

- won't copy fAM messages ('file As Message') from subcontacts
- changed name here and in pluginInfo so as not to match original

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1595)

12.08.2005, 08:57
А вот и Updater (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2254) [35.4 KBytes]Version
- replaced checkbox icon with windows standard chackboxes

- option to confirm components individually (it was going to be components other than the main dll, but for plugins that were registered using the API rather than those that were automatically registered, i can't tell what the main file is), and an option to download but not install (thanks to Drugwash for suggestions regarding the implementation of both)
- uses CreateProcess rather than ShellExecute, which doesn't work on 95/98/ME without using the Microsoft Layer for Unicode! (again, thx Drugwash)
- doesn't write so much garbage to the db anymore - just options (you can delete the Updater module from the db before using this version to clean it up if you like - remember to set your options again after restarting)
- the MS_UPDATE_REGISTER service doesn't start a 5 sec timer instead of the daily one (oops!)
- non-plugin dlls loaded during plugin scan are freed properly (oops again)
- when self updating, and the download failed, the previous version would exit and never restart
- should handle plugins that change file listing id (not very likely, but hey) and never override API registered plugin settings with auto-detected ones
- daily timer is reset if you press the update button
- external process actually waits (up to 30 secs) for the miranda process to exit (so restart is, usually, faster now), and will issue an error message if it doesn't
- and no doubt some things i forgot

- better looking listviews (thx TioDuke)

Cheshirski Kot
13.08.2005, 09:14
субботнее утро. натроения писать нету, поэтому просто пишу то, что обновилось на миранда.орг
- bugfix: check only once per day was broken
- remove absolute paths from db, so that you can e.g. move your profile without getting updates saved in the old profile location
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

- fix to high cpu issue when using docking frame, auto-show hide and not show/hide with clist (thx Hacker)
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2163)

Cheshirski Kot
14.08.2005, 09:54
А пока все спали
Updater обновился до версии

последние изменевания =)
- disable 'check for updates now' button while check is in progress (pressing it twice quicly could cause problems)
- removed startup timer

грузить по СЦЫЛКЕ (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

14.08.2005, 14:24
Новая модификция dbeditor++ от Bio :yees:

Чейнджлог с прошлого запощеного тут варианта:
*исправлен импорт контактов. они не больше размножаются. (контакты должны быть экспортированы новой версией. работает только для загруженных протоколов)
*поддерка value=е (erase) при импорте
*по умолчанию сохранение в .ini
*снова переделано главное меню
*сохранение ширины колонок в правой панеле.
*экспорт одного модуля со всех контактов

*исправил несколько ликов.
*поиск теперь выводит больше полезной инфы.
*немного переделал менюхи
*добавил меню для контактов (экспорт/импорт)
*теперь если экспортить модуль из контакта, он выгружается без привязки к контакту. и загружать его можно только в контакт.
* пофиксил баг с right-кликом

*улучшена конвертация типов
*добавлена проверка на NULL во все strcmp
Качать там же. (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/archive/other/dbeditorpp.dll)

Cheshirski Kot
15.08.2005, 08:30
снова в нашем зале, в нашем зале нет пустого места =)

SmileyAdd 1.7.0

Added support for non icon smileys (png, gif, etc.)
GDI+ required for this feature to work
Added support for IEView .asl Smiley Packs
Added error notification for missing smileys from the pack
Better handling for relative paths in Smiley Pack
Added API to find smileys in a text string (pescuma request for use in modern contact list)
на страницу закачки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)


- rearranged options (added 'alert window' section)
- added option 'round corners'
- added option 'don't steal focus unless idle'
на страницу закачки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2163)

15.08.2005, 08:59
Новая модификция dbeditor++ от Bio
Вариант от Bio с фунцией AutoBackups или нет ?

Cheshirski Kot
17.08.2005, 09:37
2 дня, плаги никто не обновляет, УЖАС!! щас как напостю!!!!!

- shows new plugin version in update window
- require plugins to use the full 4 number (x.x.x.x) version string to be compatible
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

Tooltip notify
- the whole code rewritten in cpp
- new abilities: suppress notifications upon connect, typing notification
- disabled: work in conjunction with 'suppress online notification'
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1290)

- fixed small options bug (transparency spinner enabled on show if popup module checked)
- added 'preview' button for alert window
на страницу загрузона (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2163)

Spam Filter
ченжлог курите на страничке плагина, дюже он большой. почти страница!
и так большой пост, а еще и ЭТО, ну его...
страница для загрузки и курения ченжлога (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2188)

Smart Auto Replier
1. Decided to continue developing SAR - first build after long silence period.
2. Fixed bug that appeared when DBEF_READ event occured.
на грузяШШу стЫрнцу (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1609)

Cheshirski Kot
19.08.2005, 08:39
что, кроме меня никто обновления чтоль не курит???
(шепотом в сторонку) узас......

- added CList/StatusMsg to the list of settings that are copied from subcontacts
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1595)

в который раз обновился Updater
- do not depend on confirm window not being visible when list initially populated
- do not lock critical section while confirm dialog shown
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

и это я тоже частенько видел обновляющимся - SmileyAdd 1.7.1
Fixed crash with massage dialog with no contact
Fixed crash with PopUp++
Attempt to fix Win9x icon size problem in Option Dialog
Much reduced GDI resource utilization
Added API to register a Smiley Category (API needed for to support avatars)
Many changes to API to Find Smiley in Text (API needed for to support avatars)
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

19.08.2005, 12:40
А вот и Updater (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2254) [38.26 KBytes]Version
- fixed miranda freezing bug

- added beta option for updater
- changed lists to vectors (on theory that freeze is stl implementation related)
- rearranged some code where it seems some strange optimisation was stuffing the stl (possibly related to freeze also)
- non-fl urls will now check version 'properly'
- fixed bug where change from beta/non-beta on click wasn't working (accidentally deleted that code)

- added langpack support (untested) (see file info for details)

19.08.2005, 13:19
О как!

ISee dev build (11:22:59 19.08.2005) (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)
XStatus key was changed to (BYTE)XStatusId
undo: auto info update refresh full info (causing rate limit)
adding without auth doesnt work any more. fallback to common method (server list manager still broken. sorry)

23.08.2005, 09:02
IEView (http://download.berlios.de/mgoodies/ieview1037.zip)
* some links were not handled properly
* fixed Updater compatibility

Updater (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2254)

- small bugfix (crash when registering plugin for beta only - thx TioDuke)

- internal changes (safer 'byte_dup', removed STL list)
- added global status control

- untranslatable string fixed
- some text changes

- removed debug message boxes
- upgrade to proper beta version (no known bugs - woohoo)
- ** devs please note: changes to m_updater.h

MetaContacts (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1595)
- added option to lock contact's name to the first subcontact

Cheshirski Kot
26.08.2005, 10:23
опосля дня рождения братца сижу на работе, сплю в полглаза и постю, что же обновилось у нас за эти дни на миранда.орг

Fixed smiley replacement with no button bar
Fixed images in Option Dialog for systems with Common Controls 5 or earlier
Added color selection in Option Dialog for smiley selector window
Spelling fixes in Register Category API
на страницу закачки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

- fixed initialization issue (maybe it will fix the clist_mw problem?)
нас страницу закачки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2163)

CList Nicer+
Bugfix update only (crash on startup issue which some people were experiencing in
на страницу закачки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2189)

- replaced repetitive message box for confirming file install with one list with checkboxes
на страницу закачки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

26.08.2005, 22:38
А вот из интересного ;)
UserInfoEx (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1971)
- replaced DBGetContactDetails with services MS_UINFOEX_GETCONTACTINFO and MS_UINFOEX_FREECONTACTINFO (not yet tested or used anywhere!)
- found some fields to add (originCity, ...) and therefore changed layout a bit :-)
- added "new" page <Contact> to handle phone numbers and emails.
- fixed the problem with about texts, that were not saved (sorry)
- splitted "Save & Close" button to OK (what is the same) and APPLY to save changes without closing the dialog as some of you desired it
- added support to change your own settings on the icq server (icq plugin does need to support it; icqOscarJ 0.3.6 does not)-> need feedback
- providing slightly changed version of icqOscarJ 0.3.6 plugin that enables the PS_CHANGEINFO service again
- added some new messages for the propertysheet
- tried to improve performance by serveral changes, such as handling of comboboxes
- merged with birthday plugin to remind you of contacts' birthdays
- added support for icon customization such as tabsrmm does
Изменений как видите, тьма. Однозначно качать и обновлять.
В архиве есть файл uinfoex_icons.dll, который обязательно надо кинуть в папку Icons (без него кнопки не будут прорисованы), а также версии плагов для win98 и winnt.

Cheshirski Kot
30.08.2005, 07:51
вторник - день тяжелый........
что новенького на мирандаОРГ?

* some links were not opened properly
* fixed Updater compatibility
настраницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1788)

опять Updater
- improved handling of old data when no network available
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

CList Nicer+
Lots of changes in the avatar service. Make sure to replace BOTH plugins, and, if you want support for PNG images, then copy the imgdecoder.DLL to the main miranda or \Plugins directory.

* added support for transparent PNG avatars (imgdecoder required)

* added menu entry to the contact menu. You can use it to set avatar options, load a local contact picture and more.

* Support for protecting a local contact image from being overwritten by remotely changed avatar.

MORE... just read the changelogs in the docs folder.
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2189)

30.08.2005, 08:25
- doesn't ghostify docked contact list
- Miranda 0.4 compatible sound support
- a new alpha Ghostify API
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1557)

30.08.2005, 08:41
Как-то все буднично тут ;)

Следующий плагин для "особых" ценителей миранды:
"ДАМАФОН" - плагин для миранды, предоставляющий удобные возможности обмена сообщениями на Дамочке, очень рекомендован разработчиками сайта "Дамочка.ру" всем активным посетителям сайта!
Скачать плагин (http://damochka.ru/static/spec/damafon/damafon_miranda.zip) или почитать описалово (http://damochka.ru/damafon/).

31.08.2005, 08:50
ISee dev build (Last-Modified: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 14:52:37 GMT)

31.08.2005, 10:23
Temp, как ты мог не написать ченжлог????? Там ведь тааааакое написано!!!! Проверка инвиза снова работает!!! :yees:

ICQ/ISee dev build (18:52:37 30.08.2005)

invisible check rebith. it seems AOL always leaves something by fixing in one place and adding to another

Скачать (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)


- fixed deleting nonchanged settings of the owner
- added tooltips for truncated list items in "contact" and "about" propertysheet
- about propertysheet now remembers last selected pushbutton
- apply button kept greyed when changing the age

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1971)

01.09.2005, 06:01
IcqOscarJ 0.3.6devel Alpha 5d (2005-08-31)
- fixed possible crash with avatar upload failure
- finished Unicode custom nicknames support (fixes bug with renaming contacts and CList unicode too)
- code cleaning & optimisation
Скачать (http://jokusoftware.wz.cz/files/miranda/ICQ.zip)

01.09.2005, 14:04

Fixed rare smiley detection and replacement issues
Fixed "Use one for all" checkbox handling in Option Dialog

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

03.09.2005, 00:39

- uses new xml backends

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

03.09.2005, 03:34
Сегодня ночью два раза подряд обновился ISee

ISee dev build (03:11:45 03.09.2005)


[-] server list manager now uploads contacts that needed auth (if doesnt work - try once more)
some amount of small changes i dont remember :)

ISee dev build (03:31:21 03.09.2005)

03.09.2005 03:31:Bio:
маааленький багфиксик :)
на всякий случай

Качаем по неизменной ссылке (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/ICQ.dll)

03.09.2005, 10:57

Fixed smiley detection and replacement issues

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

03.09.2005, 23:36

- bugfix: plugin scan broken by new xml data format

Скачать (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

05.09.2005, 10:26
[+] import metacontact information (patch by sje)
some changes to improve stability
Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2327)

Weather Protocol (fixed)
- Fixed crash on Miranda exit
- Fixed numerous other crashes
- Fixed numerous memory leaks
- Fixed memory corruption
- Fixed resource leak
Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2322)

ISee + IcqOscarJ = flash avatar support + invisibility detection (04.09.05)
* merged with last ISee
* fixed crash with &RC
* some avatar fixes from OscarJ
Скачать (http://www.home.karneval.cz/01027053/system/ICQ.dll)

06.09.2005, 16:15
AIM TOC2 Plugin profiles to work when connecting via a proxy
-fixed bug that could potentially cause crashes when connecting via a proxy(MOST LIKELY).
-Cleaned up some old & somewhat useless code.
-fix addition of buddies from the clist and messagedialog(should work anytime now).на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2286)

Updater bugfix: crash with certain elements zero in the register struct
- will now recognize FL url's with or without the 'www.'на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

Alarms bugfix: alarms not deleting from optionsна страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2163)

06.09.2005, 17:12
Window Start Position
- Options page moved from "Plugins" to "Contact List".
- Bugfix: the width was reset to 120 every time you opened the options dialog.
- Some minor fixes in the options GUI.
на страницу загрузки (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1673)

08.09.2005, 16:10
MetaContacts Plugin

- copied data now comes from 'active' contact, rather than default
- bugfix: some messages not forwarded from subcontacts

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1595)

08.09.2005, 23:52

- added icolib support for most icons
- icons of all tabs are editable now
- tab appeareance can be edited too (icons and text, icons or text only)
- added first support to ex-/import .vcf files (beta state)
- some fixes

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1971)

09.09.2005, 10:00
Weather Protocol (fixed)

- Fixed crash on Miranda exit
- Fixed numerous other crashes
- Fixed numerous memory leaks
- Fixed memory corruption
- Fixed resource leak

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2322)


- will not download backend xml data more than once every 24 hours
- added support for triggerplugin (adds a 'check for updates' action)

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

CList Nicer+

New features:

* multiwindow support
* menu ordering
* extra icons
* GDI+ rendering for better quality

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2189)

10.09.2005, 10:41
Updater (http://www.miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2254) [53.13 KBytes]- bugfix: checking on startup too often
- several other small but important memory handling fixes
- now ignores case in plugin names
- will now check both normal and beta urls for latest version when 'use beta' is set to true

11.09.2005, 12:49
SecureDB driver
- unicode support added
скачать плагин (http://saaplugin.no-ip.info/sdb/dbx_3xS.dll)

~MAVr~: Откуда такие сведения? ...я закачал плагин, посмотрел версию файла в свойствах - она прежняя, хотя сам файл все-таки изменился. Проверять на рабочей БД не стал.
Инфа взята с forums.miranda-im.org.
I have used the published sources of db3xS and the latest (05-08-20) db3x sources to compile db3xS with the unicode support.
Эта мессага еще за 21 августа. На глюки никто не жаловался. Я сам этот плагин пользую. Единственное - версия плагина не а
А некоторым я рекомендую, прежде чем начинать вопить - хотя бы раз запустить миранду и посмотреть на версию плагина. К тому же, в версии файла значится не 1,0,0,1 а 1,0,0,2.

12.09.2005, 09:01
SecureDB driver

Откуда такие сведения? ...я закачал плагин, посмотрел версию файла в свойствах - она прежняя, хотя сам файл все-таки изменился.
Проверять на рабочей БД не стал.

12.09.2005, 11:11
Пару раз за последнюю неделю обновился mToolTip. Версия по сравнению с давней июльской(?) осталась всё та же, а изменение одно появилось:
- added 2 service functions ("mToolTip/ShowTip" and "mToolTip/HideTip").
This can be used just like other service function where wParam can be a tooltip text (if wParam = 0 mToolTip uses default tooltip text for selected contact (hItem)) and lParam = TCLCINFOTIP (but only cbSize, isTreeFocused, isGroup and hItem counts rest of this structure can be anything)
Скачать. (http://miranda.kom.pl/dev/bankrut/get.php?file=mToolTip.zip)

Database editor++ (http://etplanet.com/bio/miranda/archive/other/dbeditorpp.dll) (Bio)
[+] show protocol icons in tree instead of default ones
[-] negative values were converted to string
[-] fixed module renaming
[+] ability to delete module during import ( - in .ini file)
[+] ability to insert special CRLF symbols in 'import from pasted text' window
[-] keys renaming issues
[-] renaming to "" is not allowed any more
other small fixes
[-] modules & keys deleting issues
refresh tree when needed to keep it in sync

Weather Protocol (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2322)
- Fixed crash on exit
- Support for custom "Status Messages"

- Fixed crash in my User details
- Fixed endless "updating user info ..."
- Fixed search contact operation

- Fixed crash at Power-up
- Fixed crash on Miranda exit
- Fixed numerous other crashes
- Fixed numerous memory leaks
- Fixed memory corruption
- Fixed resource leak

Miranda database - with AutoBackups (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2004)
- will not write setting after other modules unloaded (potential crash)

Updater (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2254)
- moved options to root entry 'Updater', and added a page where you can set the various folders used

12.09.2005, 11:17
Могу добавить к теме про SecureDB Driver лишь то, что автор плагина(Piopawlu) так же посоветовал на данный момент использовать версию, описанную EjikVTumane т.к. он сам обновление не выпустит из-за того, что очень сильно занят. Версия довльно таки стабильна. От себя могу добавить, что изменения в драйвере базы данных для поддержки серкьюрности не такие большие, чтобы могли родить глюки при переносе их от версии к версии - а текущих глюков, благодаря мастерству Pio нет.
Так что советую пользоваться(сам использую - никаких проблем нет) ;)

12.09.2005, 15:13
TopToolBar (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=466)
-Removed default bitmaps.
Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=466) [35 KB]

13.09.2005, 06:02
Updater (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)
- added status control service/event to api, for status control plugins (see m_updater.h in the source archive)
Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2254)

13.09.2005, 21:12
Достаточно интересное обновление:
Versioninfo (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2351)
Модификация оригинального плага с достаточно неплохими нововведениями.
* Changed miranda's homepage from 'http://miranda-icq.sourceforge.net/' to 'miranda-im.org'
* Changed miranda tools link.
* Changed some strings (date and time related).
+ Added check for unicode core.
+ Added miranda path to versioninfo output.
+ Added plugin's last modified date to versioninfo output.
+ Added plugin's short name to versioninfo output.
+ Added os check for windows 2003.
+ Added option to show information window in taskbar
+ Added option to always copy to clipboard
+ Added CPU info
И ещё из интересного, в настройки добавлена галочка "Forum style formatting", при её активации весь текст заключается в блок [ quote ][ size=1 ]...[ /size ][ /quote ]

14.09.2005, 02:11
Очередной Unstable релиз IEview

+ nickOut variable and improved compatibility with metacontacts (patch by Tweety)
+ SHIFT+click opens links and closes message window at the same time
+ option to print log in context menu
+ new smiley configuration page
* fixed handling of URLs in links
* fixed some other minor bugs

Качаем [73,2 кБ] (http://download.berlios.de/mgoodies/ieview1038.zip)
Если вдруг не качается, пробуйте ещё... У сервера BerliOS бывает... ;)

14.09.2005, 13:27
IcqOscarJ 0.3.6devel Alpha 6 (2005-09-14) (http://jokusoftware.wz.cz/miranda/)
- added Popup Plugin support
- finally fixed crash with &RQ custom status
- added support for AIM profile strings (stops userinfo dialog from updating forever)
- code cleaning & optimisation
Скачать (http://jokusoftware.wz.cz/files/miranda/ICQ.zip) (138 KByte)

14.09.2005, 21:26
Weather Protocol

- Fixed few crashes on exit and
- A lot of code robustness updates
- Updater compatibility
- Fixed resource leaks

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2322)

15.09.2005, 12:40
ClistNicer + - 2005/09/13

+ added "move to group" contact menu entry
+ client icon update from clist_mw. Should be all there now.
+ "Automatically fill background with wallpaper" now also works with the new setting on the background page (use background for entire window).
* The "Plus" page has been renamed to "Advanced options". Reason: "Plus" conflicts with a similar page of the popup plugin, and with some language packs the resulting translation can be confusing - for example, in german language pack, plus is translated to "smilies and skins" (for the popup+ plugin) which doesn't really match the purpose of clist_nicer's former "Plus" "Advanaced options" is neutral and not confusing at all.
+ added the 2 new font settings for status messages and frame titles to the font service configuration. Consequently, when the font service plugin is installed and detected, clist_nicer+ disables its internal font configuration dialog. Also, the internal font configuration dialog has been moved to the "Customize" section.
+ added the genmenu group menu stuff (group, subgroup etc.)

Скачать (http://miranda.or.at/files/clist_nicer_plus/clist_nicer_plus.zip)

15.09.2005, 17:39
IEView (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1788)

Наверное stable, с оффсайта Миранды!!!

+ nickOut variable and improved compatibility with metacontacts (patch by Tweety)
+ SHIFT+click opens links and closes message window at the same time
+ option to print log in context menu
+ new smiley configuration page
* fixed handling of URLs in links
* fixed some other minor bugsСкачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=1788)

16.09.2005, 17:35
Это стоит отметить особо.
Обновление Wassup до версии (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=358)
Правда список изменений не так интересен, как сам факт обновления ;)
- Nightly updates was removed. Sorry guys, but no point in keeping it around anymore :(
- Translators: Some strings have changed, check out wassup_translation.txt (Note that the nightly-related strings are still there).
- Wassup now uses the new bz2 compressed backend = Faster download speeds, yay!
- All sorts of small little bugs were squashed, I hope. ;)

16.09.2005, 23:36

- added 'view changelog' button (note: only works for non-beta, file listing plugins)

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254)

17.09.2005, 18:18

-Fixed "new separator" bug.
-Less flicks on resize.
-Removed default bitmaps.

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=466)


[+] unicode DB support
workaround for mixed UID types (ICQJ with AIM enabled) (patch by Joe)
ability to import some modules for new contacts (UserInfo, SeenModule, micqBirthday, NewAwaySys, NickChangeNotify)

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2327)

18.09.2005, 22:36

Added support for environment variables in the path
Fixed SmileyAdd operation with RSS plugin
Utilizing Unicode hooks for Unicode SRMMs
Added line number display for broken smiley
Added translation capability for few error messages
Fixed loading Smiley Pack once when used by multiple smiley categories
Fixed default Smiley Pack for RegisterCategory API
Fixed Option Dialog icon for category registered with RegisterCategory API
Fixed crash when call RegisterCategory API at power-up
Changed ParseText API to support iterative operation
Fixed icon retrieval by ParseText API

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152)

19.09.2005, 10:22
Weather Protocol

- Fixed gloabal status
- Fixed weather alert format
- Fixed few resource leaks
- Fixed very rare crash on exit

Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2322)

19.09.2005, 17:22
Clist Nicer+ Unicode (http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2365) - 2005/09/19 - released as UNICODE only build (for testing).

+ added status bar protocol sorting

+ added new option on the Background+ page: Apply group indent to background drawing.
When enabled, the indentation values for grouped contacts will also affect the background
of the items, not only the contents.

+ BIG unicode changes. All clist_classic changes to allow Unicode contact and group names
have been merged. This should, however, be considered experimental alpha code. There
are probably bugs and it may crash. BACKUP your db before using the unicode build (that's
generally a good idea when testing bleeding edge builds, including the nightly builds
of the unicode core).

+ ability to show the ICQ extended status menu on the status menu. Patch by Nullbie - this
feature requires a slightly modified ICQJ. Maybe, this code will make it into the
official ICQJ version.

! fix: Move to Group->Root Group actually made the contact invisible, because it set the
Group to an empty string (wrong, the Group entry needs to be deleted in the db).Скачать (http://miranda-im.org/download/feed.php?dlfile=2365)

Update #1: Осторожно! У меня с этим плугом Миранда вообще не запускается. Был вынужден откатить на версию

Update #2: Что-бы Miranda не падалa (см. Update #1), если у вас стоит плагин SnappingWindows, надо его удалить. Он не совместим с юникодовыми листами, даже с clist_classic.